Monday, October 9, 2017

Blog Social Networking

There are a variety of ways that Social networking can be utilized such as a profiteer with advertisements and links to what companies are selling. Companies can mingle with its customers on special blogs. The simple technology ways have changed from the simple status of "what's on you're mind?" on Facebook to Global companies acquiring personal information to entice consumers. " Facebook graph search will no doubt leverage member data to provide advertisers with more targeted, personalized advertising  opportunities going forward" Zoller stated in the article "Facebook search: Facebook adding search features". Creepily it is benefial to a society because group graphs provide more on hand facts to companies to reach its consumers. On Snapchat there are little side magazines which provide information to its users which then lead the users to purchasing items they had an interest in. Of course as always the dark side to this is the fact that a user may feel that their privacy is being evaded. Some may not be interested in companies constantly being pushed into their faces and would rather do the research on their own. The future of Social Networking would have to be in companies using social media as a way of predicting the future ways they should mold their path in. As in the Carnegie Mellon Students article "social networks would enable formation of a very large virtual panel, and an algorithm would do the dirty work of courting through the results and spotting the most reliable forecasters from the bunch". 

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