Monday, October 9, 2017

Blog v. Wiki

Blogs and Wiki are one in the same but can be used for a variety of purposes. Blogging is one persons platform generally. Wikipedia is usually a group effort. Blogs are used in an individuals way of opinion while Wiki is a collaborative manner in delivering facts. Both can be used as a tool to deliver facts to its audiences. Companies can use each to display its latest news and information. Hence why convergence is important in a networking situation; it is the union of two different outlets which can lead to a unified outcome similar to what Snapchat does. It has side magazines which deliver snippets of the latest beauty, current events and entertainment. Blogging can do the same where companies can solicit bloggers to use their products and blog about the outcome of the products. Wikipedia has reached far lengths with companies using it as a blueprint into its databases such as suggested in the Lochner article. Also as a research tool on investigation such as the "Diplopedia" wiki where State members are able to read bibliographies as well as recent articles regarding certain business and political leaders as in "An Internal Wiki Thats Not Classified. I believe Wiki collaborating with Blogs can produce possible future trends and forecasting within companies so that companies can enhance their future decisions and paths.

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