Monday, October 9, 2017

Social Networking Sites

Lately I have been using Snapchat and Instagram more than my other social media sites. I love Snapchat with its easily accessible magazines such as the Wall Street Journal, Essence, Cosmo and even a Vice. I can keep up with my friends and stay up on the latest. Instagram has less censoring and a broader view of entertainment with just the type of a hashtag thousands of videos upload and I can see each individually. Facebook with its new updates has been scaring me off. I have to turn on certain privacy browsing methods. It became to personal when I sign on and see certain advertisements of sites I was just searching on for traveling or beauty ideas. Twitter is another site I haven't used in a while it became to blah and cliquish like high school. It seemed like their was a popular crowd and the nerds and the goths all RT each other n and "hi-fiving.

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