Thursday, October 26, 2017


At Baruch the use of podcasts to deliver events occurring at the school, exams and future new class openings for prospective students would be a great idea. I think podcasts is the new way of deleivering news to a public audience where students can catch up on anything new from the school when it's convenient for them. They currently deliver news thru the emails. I dont even check my email as frequently as I should so with a podcasts the students have a better accessibility to school events.

HW Creativity

Journalism is the written art of delivering news. Current, beauty and/or entertaining news which ever is your fortay. With so many mediums out there such as podcasts, snapchat, and facebook the news can be put out there quickly. At the same time it can also be manipulated to how the creator would like it hence "gate keeping" as the article New Media Society states is the "regime of control over what content is allowed to emerge from the newsroom" which leads to a manipulation of fake news, old news and a convergence of fake and current news. The journalists job however is just to deliver good quality news in my opinion. So these various methods of new media can hinder what should be good quality news.

Creativity and New Media

Below is a video regarding the Immigration status of a close friend whose visa renewal was denied and she was sent back to Canada.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual worlds

Virtual reality possibility in every way uniting cultures and people world apart.  It is used in group meetings at work, as a creative environment for interior decorators to show their clients. Medically can help a Doctor and his patient figure out his/her ailments. In "Going to the virtual office in second life" Rashik Parmar stated that not only did the companies execs save travel time, the environment was so engaging they also brought forth more ideas than usual. 
Some pros of a virtual reality environment is the fact that it can induce a major platform for all to get their real thoughts and real feelings out in a throughly engaged atmosphere. On the other hand this can cause a con also cause confusion amongst cultures when one person doesn't understand the next culture. Another con is the fact that behind the virtual mask people tend to take on that persona. "In virtual environments people can freely choose avatars that allow them to opt in or opt out of a certain entity, group or situation" which makes a person believe he is then not responsible for his behaviors in a virtual reality.
I see a big future with virtual reality as long as the companies using it maintain its use in a proactive environment. It can be used as a shopping experience for those who are bed ridden.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blog about Twitter

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?

Twitter unlike Blackboard is on a more accessible and public forum. Anyone can participate and respond on twitter where as blackboard and in class it is solely the members of the classroom. The audience who receives your opinion is smaller and definitely would have to respect your opinion or response. In an in class discussion there would be someone such as the teacher who would control how much information is communicated back and forth between classmates as well as the type of information.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Social Networking Sites

Lately I have been using Snapchat and Instagram more than my other social media sites. I love Snapchat with its easily accessible magazines such as the Wall Street Journal, Essence, Cosmo and even a Vice. I can keep up with my friends and stay up on the latest. Instagram has less censoring and a broader view of entertainment with just the type of a hashtag thousands of videos upload and I can see each individually. Facebook with its new updates has been scaring me off. I have to turn on certain privacy browsing methods. It became to personal when I sign on and see certain advertisements of sites I was just searching on for traveling or beauty ideas. Twitter is another site I haven't used in a while it became to blah and cliquish like high school. It seemed like their was a popular crowd and the nerds and the goths all RT each other n and "hi-fiving.

Blog v. Wiki

Blogs and Wiki are one in the same but can be used for a variety of purposes. Blogging is one persons platform generally. Wikipedia is usually a group effort. Blogs are used in an individuals way of opinion while Wiki is a collaborative manner in delivering facts. Both can be used as a tool to deliver facts to its audiences. Companies can use each to display its latest news and information. Hence why convergence is important in a networking situation; it is the union of two different outlets which can lead to a unified outcome similar to what Snapchat does. It has side magazines which deliver snippets of the latest beauty, current events and entertainment. Blogging can do the same where companies can solicit bloggers to use their products and blog about the outcome of the products. Wikipedia has reached far lengths with companies using it as a blueprint into its databases such as suggested in the Lochner article. Also as a research tool on investigation such as the "Diplopedia" wiki where State members are able to read bibliographies as well as recent articles regarding certain business and political leaders as in "An Internal Wiki Thats Not Classified. I believe Wiki collaborating with Blogs can produce possible future trends and forecasting within companies so that companies can enhance their future decisions and paths.

Blog Social Networking

There are a variety of ways that Social networking can be utilized such as a profiteer with advertisements and links to what companies are selling. Companies can mingle with its customers on special blogs. The simple technology ways have changed from the simple status of "what's on you're mind?" on Facebook to Global companies acquiring personal information to entice consumers. " Facebook graph search will no doubt leverage member data to provide advertisers with more targeted, personalized advertising  opportunities going forward" Zoller stated in the article "Facebook search: Facebook adding search features". Creepily it is benefial to a society because group graphs provide more on hand facts to companies to reach its consumers. On Snapchat there are little side magazines which provide information to its users which then lead the users to purchasing items they had an interest in. Of course as always the dark side to this is the fact that a user may feel that their privacy is being evaded. Some may not be interested in companies constantly being pushed into their faces and would rather do the research on their own. The future of Social Networking would have to be in companies using social media as a way of predicting the future ways they should mold their path in. As in the Carnegie Mellon Students article "social networks would enable formation of a very large virtual panel, and an algorithm would do the dirty work of courting through the results and spotting the most reliable forecasters from the bunch".